Monday, April 27, 2009

Remember Me?

Yeah, I've suddenly been reminded that if I'm going to have a blog, I should probably make a post every now and then. Not sure why I haven't been as into blogging lately. I've been very busy, so that could be a part of it. I've also had some writers block in terms of what to blog about.

I'm here today because I know it's been awhile since I've stopped by. I also have laryngitis right now, so I feel a need to share my voice somehow. Before you ask (and I therefore have to kick your ass), I do NOT have Swine Flu. I have, however, been coming up with some very inappropriate Swine Flu/Pigs Flying jokes (get it, flu = flew) that I'll be happy to share with you if I hear any more jokes about me having Swine Flu.

So, what have I been up to recently? Well, lots, of course. One of the things I'm most proud of is the MS Walk I did with my family at the beginning of April.

Here's a picture of my Mom, brother, and nephew during the walk. It turned out to be a great day in Portland, and I know we all enjoyed getting out and walking for a good cause.

That's it for now, but I promise to be back soon with more updates! Before I go, here's a picture of downtown Portland during the walk. If you ever wonder why I love living in the northwest, wonder no more.

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