How was I able to do this? Well, Obama was in Oregon on Friday to give some campaign speeches. It appears that the Oregon Primary on May 20th will actually count in helping decide who the Democratic nominee will be, so the candidates are starting to roll through our beautiful state. I heard that Obama was going to be speaking at the University of Oregon (about 40 minutes south of me), and immediately started making plans with some friends to attend.
A few days before the event, we heard that people were already lining up. The arena holds 10,000 people, but at the rate things were going, we were going to be lucky to get in. Being the resourceful people we are, the 3 of us who were planning to attend started coming up with a Plan B of sorts. We all post on various blogs, and had heard through a media source that bloggers were able to register as media for the various campaign events. We thought, what the hell, might as well try it, right? So we registered for the event as media.
Friday afternoon, we left work early to get to the event (which was scheduled to begin at 9:00 pm). As soon as we got there, we saw a line that can be described as nothing short of extremely long. The line stretched on for 4 blocks in 2 directions. It seemed that thousands of people were hungry for the opportunity to hear this great man speak.
We decided that 2 of us would get in line, and the other would try out registering at the press booth. Well, our friend had no problems registering as press, so my friend and I decided we were going to use our press credentials as well. It is important to note here that we knew a few people in line a few paces behind us. We decided that they would be our litmus to see if we would have made it into the event if we had stayed in line where we were. I must say, it was pretty awesome to walk past all the smug people who had been in line for days, and get my press credentials at the entrance to the event. ;-)
After signing in as press, it was time for the security check. Now, I've done my fair share of flying, and let me tell you that being checked in an airport is no comparison for being frisked down by the Secret Services. I considered tipping the agent who frisked me when he was done! After finally making it through the security check, we walked into the venue to grab seats in the press area.

The wait didn't seem to last long, because we were busy taking it all in. How the heck did we pull this off? It was an amazing feeling to be right in the middle of all the excitement! Soon enough, the national press who travel with Obama entered the press box, and we knew the event was about to begin. Next thing I knew, the music started blasting through the arena speakers, and I was rocking out to Earth Wind & Fire's "Shining Star" with Producers from CNN and CBS! Some people would be embarrassed by this, but not me. Seriously, what did you expect me to do with that song playing?
Before I knew, it, Obama began speaking. I have heard broadcasts of his speeches before, so I knew I was in for something eloquent. That being said, there is something electric about being in

After the speech, we left to go find some dinner. As we walked to the car, we were silent because we were still taking in everything we had just participated in. I've never felt like I was a part of history before, and in that hour of listening to Obama, we all understood that this event was as historic as it was epic.
So thank you, readers. If not for you, I wouldn't have been able to be a part of this event. The people who were in line behind us didn't make it into the event, so I know for a fact that this was a once in a lifetime opportunity.
1 comment:
What an awesome experience!!! AND, just before Senator Obama came to Eugene to give your speech, he had pizza in Corvallis!!! Here's the link to the great photo op he had with a very charismatic Owen Stevenson, who just happens to be your brother's nephew (your sister-in-law's sister's 8 month old twin boy)~
So, a great day all around!!
Congrats on getting in as a Blogger!!
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