Hi all! Remember me? Sorry to have been MIA for so long, but I've been having a hard time gathering thoughts for a post. Rather than drivel on about nothing (I know, this has never stopped me before), I decided to take a little break.
Work has also kept me very busy lately, so I just haven't had much time to sit down and blog. Such a travesty, right? Well, I'm trying to recommit myself to blogging more. We'll see how this goes. Sometimes it's hard to find a topic you think will be relevant to your audience, you know? Tell me what you'd like to see on the blog.
Another reason I haven't been blogging is because I've been busy over on Twitter. What the heck is Twitter? Well, the technical term is that it is a micro blogging site. What the heck is micro blogging? Well, that's sharing your random thoughts on a minor scale (in the case of Twitter, in 140 characters or less).
The original premise of Twitter asks you to answer the question: "What are you doing?" Instead of simply answering that question, people really seem to share their random thoughts and current experiences. There is a whole vernacular to Twitter (Tweet, Tweeps, Tweeple...) and people have created their own "Twitter Language" in order to get their thoughts into 140 characters.
In the two + years Twitter has been around, it has really taken off exponentially in usage. People from all walks of life are on there (some are even US Congressional leaders who Tweet during the State of the Union, and later get schooled for it). Celebrities have found Twitter to be a way to reach their fans without having to go through stifling publicists. Fans love connecting with their favorite celebs in real-time. That's what I call win-win.
Another nice aspect of Twitter is the interactions it allows you to have with others. If someone says something funny or enlightening, you can @reply to them exactly what you thought! You can also ask a question and get many answers within minutes. I sort of wish I had Twitter while I was in grad school...
So that's the gist of why I like Twitter. Again, I'm sorry to have neglected my blog followers, but surely you understand when life simply gets in the way.
Oh, and if you want to follow me on Twitter, just ask. My account is private to limit the creeper interactions. To compensate, here's a list of celebrities to stalk on Twitter.
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