Today is the day we celebrate Pippin's 2nd birthday. I say it's the day we celebrate, because when she was found by the Humane Society, they didn't really know how old she was. You see, Pippin's first few months of life were very hard. When she was found, she was covered in oil, and was guestimated to be about 2 months old. Judging by how much she loves her food, I imagine a part of her always wonders if there will be a next meal. Which is partially why she is so spoiled now. ;-)
So with this, I leave you with a picture of Pippin on her birthday. By the way, do you know how hard it is to get a cat to "pose" for a picture??
Happy, happy, happy birthday, happy, happy, birthday to you;
Much better read and sung to you by your mom rather than by "tune deaf" Mema!!!
Oh! I finally found someone else with a cat named Pippin! He is very handsome in his birthday pose. Great picture!
My boy (and his brother, Merry) are nearly 1 1/2 years old and instead of hissing at guests, they both can usually be found hiding behind the toilet when folks are a-visitin'.
Congratulations on another owned-by-a-cat year and Happy Birthday, Pippin!
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