Friday, June 27, 2008

I'm a good mentor

Today at work I was talking to some of my student staff about the economy. Because I work for the state in an educational environment, I try to keep my political views private, so I kept the conversation light. As we were discussing the state of the stock market, one of my staff members (who is a business major) started to explain that there are actually only a few companies who's stock portfolios are reflected in the stock market in places like the New York Stock Exchange. This staff member couldn't understand how so few companies could be an accurate representation of the actual market.

Trying to make sense of it myself, I immediately looked for an analogy to use. So what do I come up with? Well, something related to television, of course. In an attempt to make sense of the stock market, I equated their use of random sampling to the Nielsen's Rating System. Since they can't track viewing habits of everyone, they utilize a few select customers, and track what they watch and then. They try to have a random sampling of television viewers that accurately reflects the population, and this establishes the ratings system. See, it's totally like the stock market!

Just thought I'd share with you some of my developmental skills I have refined as I supervise college students.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the analogy! Nice post on the "exes at the pool".