Thursday, May 29, 2008

To blog or not to blog

I suppose that is the question. One of the reasons I started this blog was to push myself to create a sort of routine in my writing. Another reason was to become more comfortable with sharing the parts of me I usually keep private. When I first started this blog, I was on a roll, and was very consistent in my blogging. Since then, I have been remiss in blogging as often as I originally intended or would like.

Am I out of ideas? Am I possibly too boring to keep up with a blog? Is there nothing in this world I feel the need to impart my infinite wisdom or opinions upon? Yeah, the answer to each of those is a resounding NO.

Therefore, I hereby resolve to you, my loyal blog readers (the dozen or so that you are) to blog more in these summer months. Summer is a busy time for me in regards to work, so I should have an infinite supply of things and events to blog about. Also, if you see me start to slack in my blogging, feel free to gently nudge me to blog some more. Ideas for blog subjects are always welcome as well.

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