Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Don't want to be an American idiot

I don't know if you know this, but it's election time again. Now, I've suffered through almost 8 years of the current administration, so naturally, I am a smidge excited about the prospect of change on the horizon.

In the past, I have never been too involved with the political process. Don't get me wrong, I was excited the first time I got to vote, and continually perform my civic duty, but I have never been enraptured by a candidate the way I find that I am with Barack Obama.

Back in 2004, I remember watching Obama speak at the national convention. I didn't know who this guy was, but I remember thinking that he was an incredible speaker, and would go far in the future. Since then, I have watched his star rise, and soon became excited at the prospect that he may run for President in 2008.

Flash forward to the primaries, and I find that I have an itch to get involved. I am frustrated that Oregon doesn't have a primary until late in May, and my voice may not be heard until it's too late. Over the last few days, I have seen Obama's lead increase as he continues to win states. I am beginning to see a future that is very bright on the horizon, and I want to get involved even more!

It annoys me to see on the news that Hillary Clinton is carrying the white woman vote, because I refuse to be pigeonholed. Not all white women are voting for Hillary. Most of the women my age are excited by the opportunities for a fresh start Barack Obama represents. Don't assume where my vote is going (media) until I have the opportunity to actually vote. In the meantime, I encourage everyone to ensure their voices are heard. Be proud of this Democracy in which you have the good fortune to live.


1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Even in my "elder generation" status I resist being told that because I'm female and an elder citizen I'm supposed to be voting for Hillary!!

I too like Senator Obama; as a child of the 1960's, I remember both JFK and RFK!! As a matter of fact, I was attending a speech of RFK's while attending UC @ Davis the day before he flew down to LA and was killed!!

So, Senator Obama triggers many of the same ideals for the kind of future I want my kids and grandkids to have!!

I'm with you, girl!!