Greetings, readers! I survived my Texas travels, and have pictures and stories to report to you. For those of you who thought I couldn't handle a week in Texas, I have news for you: never bet against me. Isn't there a rule that the house always wins? Or are you supposed to bet it all on black? Oh well, I've never been much of a gambler, so here are the pictures.
This is the famous book depository in Dallas. The sixth floor corner is where Lee Harvey Oswald apparently shot President Kennedy. It is now a
museum dedicated to the life of President John F. Kennedy. A very moving place, but could Oswald really have made that shot from that location? We may never know.

This is the road Kennedy was traveling down when the two bullets hit him. To my right is the book depository. You can't see them in this picture, but there are two "X's" in the street where the bullets struck Kennedy. You really get a sense of the history changing events that happened here.

This is the state capitol building in Austin. Very beautiful building!

October 9th would have been John Lennon's 68th birthday. To honor the event, I was able to go to a
local pub in Austin that had a cover band playing tribute to John. Very cool.

Of course, it wouldn't really be Texas if you didn't get a sense of the conservative nature of the place. Case in point, they sell elephant cuff links in their Gap Outlets.

All in all, I had a good trip. I enjoyed catching up with friends, as well as seeing a part of the country I've never seen. Now I can say I've truly experienced Texas, and am thankful to have had the opportunity.
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