Thursday, April 10, 2008

Sit Up Straight, and Stand Up Tall

I always wondered how I avoided developing Scoliosis. I was a textbook risk for the disease in middle school because I was growing quickly, and have always had horrible posture. Alas, every time we did the test, my spine shape appeared normal.

The threat of developing Scoliosis didn't help my posture at all. I can't remember a time in my life when I naturally sat up straight, walked with my shoulders back, or sat without slouching. I think much of this can be attributed to being so tall and gangly as a child, that I subconsciously did what I could to make myself smaller. Being a tall girl and literally a head above all the boys made adolescence quite the challenge.

Well, it would appear that almost 3-decades of bad posture has finally caught up with me.
I have been experiencing some pain in my neck and left shoulder for awhile now, and it has progressed to spurts of shooting pain down my arm. After going to the doctor today, it was determined that my posture is at least partially responsible for my current pain symptoms, and that I would need to start some physical therapy.

In therapy, I will need to relearn behaviors that have evolved over much time. Everything from how to sit up straight without back support to walking with my shoulders back, and who knows what else. I am a bit nervous to begin this project, but also excited to break some habits that have plagued me for years, and have now affected my health. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

I guess that I should have placed a book on your head and forced you to walk tall and not let the book fall off of your head, right?

Sorry that you are having problems with posture. AND, as long as you are going to go to physical therapy, I'd recommend that you also have an ergonomic review of your work situation at work - chair, typing, computer, desk, etc. You will find that if your work environment is conducive to good posture - and perhaps your PT person can give you some suggestions here too - it'll help you lots in the long run!!